EDU 422 Blog Stacey Hirsch
Friday, May 7, 2010
Copyright and Safety Meets NETS-T 4 A and D
Through the Copyright and Safety Artifact, I was exposed to the appropriate safety precautions and copyright laws that need to be followed when using the internet. I also had to show I understood the copyright and safety information by answering questions and by a written response. I also learned how to collaborate with other members of my class during this assignment through google docs.
Classroom Newsletter meets NETS-T 1 C and 3 C
Through doing the classroom newsletter artifact, I learned how to format the word document as a newsletter, use drop caps, and include relevant pictures though drag and drop.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Inspiration Meets NETS-T 3 A and D

Through the Inspiration Artifact I learned how to take information and put it into a new format in the Inspiration program. I made a bubble map, added relevant pictures and links. I learned a greta new way to organize and evaluate information. It really works well as a transition tool before you begin writing on the topic you made the bubble map on.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ed422 Imovie Project Meets NETS-T 5 B and 2 A
Through the I Movie Artifact, I learned how to make an I Movie that would help influence the decision making of the community and help develop decision making by showing the benefits of CSUSM's credential program. I was given movie clips and and music clips to work with, but had to add transitions and voice overs. I also added scrolling words and put the entire video together. It is supposed to advertise CSUSM's College of Education.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Journal 9 Meets NETS-T 4 A and B
TSocial Networking, Simulations and Digital games may sound like they wouldn’t be good for classroom use, however, I think they have many great classroom uses. Especially since most of your students will already be familiar with them. As a teacher, you can’t be scared of technology. Instead, you have to embrace it and figure out how to incorporate it into your class. It is challenging to teach in a hands- on way because of money and time stipulations, so simulations are a great way to teach a subject like anatomy. Using a simulation of dissecting a frog would be a lot cheaper then ordering a bunch of frogs for dissection and tools. Networking sites can be used for a group to work together and collaborate for a group project. It can also be used for the teacher to post things to her entire class, like a writing prompt. Digital games are usually games about real life experiences. They can teach problem solving and cause and effect because the students would have to make important choices that would cause things to happen in their games. I understand that not all districts can afford computers with large and powerful hard drives for each student to play digital games on, but all classrooms have a computer so the teacher can still show simulations in the classroom. Most students have computers at home and if they don’t they can use one in the library to connect through social networking.