Thursday, April 15, 2010

Journal 4 Meets NETS-T 3 B and C

Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading, 37(6), Retrieved from

Before reading this journal article, I did not really know anything about skype. I just thought that it was a way to talk to people through your computer screen and didn’t realize its full potential. Skype is a great way to expose students to real life things that they would not otherwise be able to see. For instance, the students could see a concert, or even conduct an interview of someone. Using skype cuts out money and distance/travel factors that could have prevented the students from being able to see the concerts or conduct the interview without skype. Skype gives students the opportunity to learn from professionals about their profession. Another great use for skype would be to have a virtual job/career fair or a show and tell (for the younger grades). The kids could bring their pets to school via skype. I really like the following quote: “Educators shouldn’t fear this aspect of technology, but instead tap into its potential”. I believe that is the message that California State University San Marcos is trying to send us by having us take this class.

Would I use skype in my future classroom? Most definitely! I think skype is a great teaching tool. Skype is another way that I could take my future students on a virtual field trip.

Do I think skype could get distracting in the classroom? Yes. I see the many benefits of skype, but because it is live I can also see that it could be distracting. The person on the other end could go on a tangent and you could not fast forward. You also have to think about other factors like a bad connection similar to the ones we have on our cell phones everyday.

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