Saturday, April 10, 2010

Stacey Hirsch: EDU 422 student

My name is Stacey Hirsch. I am originally from Huntington Beach, but have lived in San Marcos for the past five years. I went to elementary school through high school in Huntington Beach and had never even moved before I moved to San Marcos for college. I have now lived in San Marcos for the past 5 years and am finally going to graduate in May with my BA in liberal studies and a minor in sociology. I will hopefully begin the credential program at CSUSM this fall.

I wouldn't say I am "computer savvy", but I am proficient at email and word. I used to be a PC only person, but just switched over to mac last summer when I got my first mac. At first I hated my mac because I was so confused and didn't know how to do anything on it. I am now used to my mac and it is actually harder for me to use a PC now. I depend on technology everyday. I have a blackberry and send and receive emails on it all day long. I also am on my computer a couple hours a day checking facebook and craigslist and of course shopping online:) . I think I am using the mac 2008 version of Microsoft Office.

The part of the CSUSM COE mission statement that really was meaningful to me was "a commitment to student-centered education...". I really believe that for all students to learn to the best of their ability, the teachers need to adapt their lessons to their students learning style needs. The COE mission statement did not "make" my decision to choose CSUSM for my credential, however, CSUSM has a great education program and I have enjoyed the last 5 years of my college experience here so I'd love to continue it and earn my credential from CSUSM.


  1. I get mail all day long on my Blackberry too. Do you get a lot of spam? My email is a little free and loose with the spam filter, so my Blackberry is constantly buzzing.

    5 years down, 1 to go! Good luck.

  2. I used to have a blackberry and I loved it! Butttt, I LOVE my iphone more! you should get one :)

  3. Mac seems to be the new trend. Next time when I have to buy a new computer I will definetely look into the possibility of getting a Mac.

  4. Well Stacey, you are well on your way to achieving your goal of becoming a teacher. Congratulations on graduating, and i wish you much success in the credentialing program.
